About us...

Outdoor learning is a fundamental part of the curriculum at Hedgehogs, where children play adventurously, managing their own risks, learning through play, connecting with nature and benefiting from outdoor learning.

Our outdoor adventure learning programmes at Hedgehogs Hempstead take place at the local woods, the allotments and the local playgrounds and green spaces.

Woodland Adventures

The ethos of forest sessions are based on a fundamental respect for children and young people and for their capacity to investigate, test and maintain curiosity in the world around them. It believes in children's right to play; the right to access the outdoors (in particular a woodland environment); the right to assess risk and the vibrant reality of the natural world; and the right to experience a healthy range of emotions, through all the challenges of social interaction, to build a resilience that will enable continued and creative engagement with their peers and their potential.

By regularly attending forest sessions, children and young people are stimulated by the outdoors and over time, typically experience an increase in their self belief, confidence, learning capacity, enthusiasm, communication, problem-solving skills and emotional well-being.

Children build resilience by experiencing what it is like to be cold or hot and by attending forest school, children can experience the changes the seasons bring to the woods and build a connection with nature.
During forest sessions, children are physically active a lot of the time and their stamina improves as they spend more time outside. As the children gain confidence and improve their self-esteem, this has a positive impact on their emotional and mental well-being. This in turn leads to high quality learning whilst children are in a state of high well-being. 

what to wear to forest school
walking and exploring forest school
In the cold weather to keep warm lots of layers are needed so your child can get the most out of their woodland adventures without getting cold!

Here is a guide to follow (in this order)

What to wear to forest school in the winter...

long sleeve thermal base layer
fleece joggers
wool socks
ski pants
snow boots
woolly hat
wool gloves
winter coat
puddle suit
waterproof gloves
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